dinsdag 5 januari 2016

USA, United states of America

USA, United states of America
The Jews run and rule USA, Canada, UK, Holland (In The Netherlands, 70 % of Dutch are Jews and crypto- Jews), Germany, the Scandinavian countries, South Europe, South Africa, New Zealand, Australia  and they also rule many other countries.
When the continent of America was discovered, the Dutch Jews went  there to build a colony and new barracks as barracks in the UK would be too close to the European coast which meant that other troops from Europe could attack it. The new continent was very far from Europe, so then they could build new barracks and make wars in Europe, the Arab lands and Asia without any disruption.
Their purpose was to make the other countries weak and the new barracks in the USA stronger but to make these barracks strong, they had according to the Jewish Talmud to kill all the Native American’s  the same as what they are doing in Palestine. So the Dutch Jews slaughtered millions of Native American’s.
The Dutch Jews called the new land, the Uncle Sam Land, Sam according to the Semites means Sam the son of Noah. New York was New Amsterdam and Amsterdam the Capital city of Holland was New Jerusalem, but to deny and hide their massacres and crimes they changed the name of New Amsterdam to New York as York is a city in the UK therefore taking the blame off them and putting it upon the British. Even though the Jews changed the names of places in the USA, they still had full of control of them.
They exchanged New Amsterdam with Surinam, Curacao and Aruba. Then they made these countries bases for the salve trade. Those that were taken from Africa and Asia were taken there to be sold as slaves. (read about slavery in Judaism).
After the exchanged, the Jews  allowed the mercenaries, criminals and the native Americans to fight against each other and against the English troops to acquire the USA again but under another name and title this time as the White Protestants.
They made many civilian wars against those who were trying to become independent and also against the Mexican Christians so that they could destroy their  Christian culture and steal their land.
Some slaves that the Jews brought  to the USA escaped and fled to the Catholic areas like California and Florida, where slavery was forbidden. Abraham Lincoln alerted to this dilemma, announced that slavery was no more in order to encourage the slaves not to escape as the USA needed the slaves to work on the land and supply the troops. Most slaves were ordered to the frontline so that they would be killed when the war started. He cheated the slaves by saying that slavery was no more because after the end of the war, slavery was back with more ugly roles.
The Jews used Christianity as a title for this USA barracks and in so doing they defamed the name of Christianity and they made themselves as poor and victims. The Jews always use the USA to make wars, propaganda, discrimination and they always hide their Judaism and use Christianity as their identity.
The Jews always use others to fight and die for them so to colonize and occupy this big land, they were needing more fighters, mercenaries, criminals savages and blind wild dogs (the Jews call the protestants their wild dogs). They told the Protestants that the continent of America was the promise land. They used the same tactic in Iraq via a Jewish company called Black Water and other Jewish mercenaries companies.
Sometimes the Jews are trying to show that they are not controlling the USA and Europe by making a skit and a farce theatre to show that they do not control and rule USA by publish news that the CIA and the FBI arrested Jewish spies in USA, spying on USA for the benefit of so called Israel, but in reality the Jews run and rule everything in USA. This skit theatre is to show that the Jews have no power and that they are poor people and victims.
Another  reason for USA control and domination was to destroy Christianity by using Islam, Protestantism and communism, moreover propaganda via Hollywood  media TV, Radio and Newspapers, (propaganda news, movies, porn films, and advertisement). Read down PROTOCOL No. 5
No.4 of the Jewish Talmud (The Protocols of the Elders of Zion).

The Catholic/Jesuit in The Protocols of the Elders of Zion (a part of the Jewish Talmud)
4. Moreover, the art of directing masses and individuals by means of cleverly manipulated theory
and verbiages, by regulations of life in common and all sorts of other quirks, in all which the GOYIM
understand nothing, belongs likewise to the specialists of our administrative brain. Reared on analysis,
observation, on delicacies of fine calculation, in this species of skill we have no rivals, any more than
we have either in the drawing up of plans of political actions and solidarity. In this respect the Jesuits
alone might have compared with us, but we have contrived to discredit them in the eyes of the
unthinking mob as an overt organization, while we ourselves all the while have kept our secret
organization in the shade. However, it is probably all the same to the world who is its sovereign lord,
whether the head of Catholicism or our despot of the blood of Zion! But to us, the Chosen People, it is
very far from being a matter of indifference.

The Jews run and rule Hollywood.
The Jews use Hollywood as tribune or rostrum to publish the Jews and Judaism and to defame and expose their enemies. Whoever is not a Jew is an enemy of them. They hate all non-Jews, mostly the Catholic’s and the Catholic Church.
They defame the name of the other races and religions, mostly the Christians (Catholics and Orthodox). More than a thousand movies (porno, action, mystery, horror, cartoon/animation) are made to show that the Catholic Church, Nuns, Monks, Christianity are bad, and that they conduct immorality like lubricious and paedophilia, but those that do that are the Jewish rabies and some Jewish spies that the Synagogue have inserted in to other religions to defame their name.
All the Jewish (Hollywood’s movies) are against the real Christians (Catholics and Orthodox), Arab, Chinese, Vietnamese, Northern Koreans, Russians, Africans, Mexicans, Italian (all the movies about the Italian’s are show that the Italians are mafia, but the Jews created the Mafia via Albert Pike and they are the real criminals and the real Mafia.

Also the Jews portrait the Arabs in the movies are very bad, criminals and terrorists.

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