dinsdag 5 januari 2016

The Jews assassinated President John Kennedy

The Jews assassinated President  John Kennedy

the new world order is a jewish program.
It is jewish world order, the law of jehovah. The law of the jungle.
the jews killed President John Kennedy. because he tried to stop the secret society ( freemason, skull and bones, Scientology. All od this organizations are jews those want to make the new world order.
President Kennedy was a Cathlolic. so the Catholics are against the new world order.
The Catholic Pope Pope Clement 5 ordered the king Philip 4 to stop the Freemason or the knights templar or in Hebrew Naturi Karta.
So if the freemason are Catholics, so why they are agaisnt the Catholic church and the Catholic church against them.
in the jewish Talmud (the protocols of the elders of zion) mentions that the jews created the freemason and use it against the Catholic church and the world and the jews are fighting against the Catholic Church and the Jesuit.
And they mentioned that they will put all the blame on the Catholic Church and they will defame the name of the Christianity (the bad movies about the Catholic Church in Hollywood)
Watch this youtube. it is about the speech of president Kennedy that he attacked the jewish secret society.

you have to watch this movie:


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