dinsdag 5 januari 2016

The jews are blood suckers

The jews are blood suckers
Isaiah 60:16
 Thou shalt also suck the blood of the Gentiles, and shalt suck the blood of kings: and thou shalt know that I the Lord am thy Savior and thy Redeemer, the mighty One of Israel.

Elizabeth Báthory

The jews call the Protestants: the blind dogs. They use the Europeans to fight against each other.
The jews created the Protestantism to destroy the Catholicism and the communism to destroy the Christian Orthodox; the jews use the Muslims against the Christians and the Christians against the Muslims.
25/ 8/ 1896 the jewish rabbi Theodor Herzl asked the Othman Sultan Abdu Hamid to give the jews Palestine to make a county for the jews (This happened before about 44 years of the Holocaust lie))
Excuse me. 1799 Napoleon attacked Palestine to make a land for the jews. Which means before 42 years the lie holocaust? 1895 wrote a book the Jewish State in Palestine.  1897 (This happened before about 43 years  of the Holocaust lie))the jewish leaders publicly said that Palestine is a country for the jews.

The second of November 1917, Belfort declaration: His Majesty's government view with favour the establishment in Palestine of a national home for the Jewish people (This happened before about 23 years  of the Holocaust lie)

USA, United states of America

USA, United states of America
The Jews run and rule USA, Canada, UK, Holland (In The Netherlands, 70 % of Dutch are Jews and crypto- Jews), Germany, the Scandinavian countries, South Europe, South Africa, New Zealand, Australia  and they also rule many other countries.
When the continent of America was discovered, the Dutch Jews went  there to build a colony and new barracks as barracks in the UK would be too close to the European coast which meant that other troops from Europe could attack it. The new continent was very far from Europe, so then they could build new barracks and make wars in Europe, the Arab lands and Asia without any disruption.
Their purpose was to make the other countries weak and the new barracks in the USA stronger but to make these barracks strong, they had according to the Jewish Talmud to kill all the Native American’s  the same as what they are doing in Palestine. So the Dutch Jews slaughtered millions of Native American’s.
The Dutch Jews called the new land, the Uncle Sam Land, Sam according to the Semites means Sam the son of Noah. New York was New Amsterdam and Amsterdam the Capital city of Holland was New Jerusalem, but to deny and hide their massacres and crimes they changed the name of New Amsterdam to New York as York is a city in the UK therefore taking the blame off them and putting it upon the British. Even though the Jews changed the names of places in the USA, they still had full of control of them.
They exchanged New Amsterdam with Surinam, Curacao and Aruba. Then they made these countries bases for the salve trade. Those that were taken from Africa and Asia were taken there to be sold as slaves. (read about slavery in Judaism).
After the exchanged, the Jews  allowed the mercenaries, criminals and the native Americans to fight against each other and against the English troops to acquire the USA again but under another name and title this time as the White Protestants.
They made many civilian wars against those who were trying to become independent and also against the Mexican Christians so that they could destroy their  Christian culture and steal their land.
Some slaves that the Jews brought  to the USA escaped and fled to the Catholic areas like California and Florida, where slavery was forbidden. Abraham Lincoln alerted to this dilemma, announced that slavery was no more in order to encourage the slaves not to escape as the USA needed the slaves to work on the land and supply the troops. Most slaves were ordered to the frontline so that they would be killed when the war started. He cheated the slaves by saying that slavery was no more because after the end of the war, slavery was back with more ugly roles.
The Jews used Christianity as a title for this USA barracks and in so doing they defamed the name of Christianity and they made themselves as poor and victims. The Jews always use the USA to make wars, propaganda, discrimination and they always hide their Judaism and use Christianity as their identity.
The Jews always use others to fight and die for them so to colonize and occupy this big land, they were needing more fighters, mercenaries, criminals savages and blind wild dogs (the Jews call the protestants their wild dogs). They told the Protestants that the continent of America was the promise land. They used the same tactic in Iraq via a Jewish company called Black Water and other Jewish mercenaries companies.
Sometimes the Jews are trying to show that they are not controlling the USA and Europe by making a skit and a farce theatre to show that they do not control and rule USA by publish news that the CIA and the FBI arrested Jewish spies in USA, spying on USA for the benefit of so called Israel, but in reality the Jews run and rule everything in USA. This skit theatre is to show that the Jews have no power and that they are poor people and victims.
Another  reason for USA control and domination was to destroy Christianity by using Islam, Protestantism and communism, moreover propaganda via Hollywood  media TV, Radio and Newspapers, (propaganda news, movies, porn films, and advertisement). Read down PROTOCOL No. 5
No.4 of the Jewish Talmud (The Protocols of the Elders of Zion).

The Catholic/Jesuit in The Protocols of the Elders of Zion (a part of the Jewish Talmud)
4. Moreover, the art of directing masses and individuals by means of cleverly manipulated theory
and verbiages, by regulations of life in common and all sorts of other quirks, in all which the GOYIM
understand nothing, belongs likewise to the specialists of our administrative brain. Reared on analysis,
observation, on delicacies of fine calculation, in this species of skill we have no rivals, any more than
we have either in the drawing up of plans of political actions and solidarity. In this respect the Jesuits
alone might have compared with us, but we have contrived to discredit them in the eyes of the
unthinking mob as an overt organization, while we ourselves all the while have kept our secret
organization in the shade. However, it is probably all the same to the world who is its sovereign lord,
whether the head of Catholicism or our despot of the blood of Zion! But to us, the Chosen People, it is
very far from being a matter of indifference.

The Jews run and rule Hollywood.
The Jews use Hollywood as tribune or rostrum to publish the Jews and Judaism and to defame and expose their enemies. Whoever is not a Jew is an enemy of them. They hate all non-Jews, mostly the Catholic’s and the Catholic Church.
They defame the name of the other races and religions, mostly the Christians (Catholics and Orthodox). More than a thousand movies (porno, action, mystery, horror, cartoon/animation) are made to show that the Catholic Church, Nuns, Monks, Christianity are bad, and that they conduct immorality like lubricious and paedophilia, but those that do that are the Jewish rabies and some Jewish spies that the Synagogue have inserted in to other religions to defame their name.
All the Jewish (Hollywood’s movies) are against the real Christians (Catholics and Orthodox), Arab, Chinese, Vietnamese, Northern Koreans, Russians, Africans, Mexicans, Italian (all the movies about the Italian’s are show that the Italians are mafia, but the Jews created the Mafia via Albert Pike and they are the real criminals and the real Mafia.

Also the Jews portrait the Arabs in the movies are very bad, criminals and terrorists.

All of the leaders of the human rights and united nation are jews

United nation
All of the leaders of the human rights and united nation are jews
New age organization

Dag Hammarskjöld

crystalline healing center ISIS

Robert Muller      united nation
New Genesis

José Arce     united nation

Paul-Henri Spaak    united nation

The terrorist organization made by the jews

The terrorist organization
The Jews created many false religion to use them against another religions and race.
They created the Freemason (was Knights ‘temple or  Naturi Karta in Hebrew), Skull and Bones, Bahá'í Faith, Satanism,  Protestantism, Theosophical Society, Darwinism, communism, Atheism, socialism, Mormonism, Jehovah’s witnesses, Phi Gamma Delta, Calvinism, Reformed Church, Reformed congregation, Anabaptists, Apostolic Church, Seventh-day Adventist , Mennonite, Amish,  New Thule Society (Adolf Hitler was a member in the Thule org), Nazism, Fascism, Rotary, Lions club, Quakers: http://kaleidoscopeflux.blogspot.nl/2012/10/quakers-and-oats.html

Scientology,  Bilderberg,  scientology, Pegida, Baptist Church, KKK, Mafia, porno movie producers, children abuse organizations, Wahhabi, Muslims ‘brotherhood, Salafi, Taliban, El Qaeda, Hezbollah, Hamas, Al-Jihad al-Islami, Harkat-ul-Mujahideen, Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (DAESH or ISIS), Al-Nusra Front, New Nazi, NATO, Bilderberg (Prince Bernhard van Lippe-Biesterfeld the father of Queen Beatrix of the Netherlands ):

 International criminal court, human rights watch, Amnesty in tensional, ENAR, Art1, International Court of Justice, Earth System Governance Project, Global Environment Facility, European Environment Agency, Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons in the Hague (Holland makes millions of chemical litters per year. Holland who gave Iran the chemical weapons those dropped on Iraq (Halabjah).  The Dutch Melchemie and KBS company that own and run by the Jews (80% of the Dutch are Jews).

Intelligence service:
Gustavo (Hitler was a Jew), CIA,FBI,  Stasi (has been created by Markus Wolf, he was a Jew) http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Markus_Wolf  , KGB, STB (Czechoslovakia, State Security), Mossad.

The terrorism in the talmud (the protocols of the elders of zion)

The terrorism in the talmud (the protocols of the elders of zion)
24. Our State, marching along the path of peaceful conquest, has the right to replace the horrors of
war by less noticeable and more satisfactory sentences of death, necessary to maintain the terror which
tends to produce blind submission. Just but merciless severity is the greatest factor of strength in the
State: not only for the sake of gain but also in the name of duty, for the sake of victory, we must keep to
the programme of violence and make-believe. The doctrine of squaring accounts is precisely as strong
as the means of which it makes use. Therefore it is not so much by the means themselves as by the
doctrine of severity that we shall triumph and bring all governments into subjection to our supergovernment.
It is enough for them to know that we are too merciless for all disobedience to cease.
Protocol 3
2. The constitution scales of these days will shortly break down, for we have established them with a
certain lack of accurate balance in order that they may oscillate incessantly until they wear through the
pivot on which they turn. The GOYIM are under the impression that they have welded them
sufficiently strong and they have all along kept on expecting that the scales would come into
equilibrium. But the pivots - the kings on their thrones - are hemmed in by their representatives, who
play the fool, distraught with their own uncontrolled and irresponsible power. This power they owe to
the terror which has been breathed into the palaces. As they have no means of getting at their people,
into their very midst, the kings on their thrones are no longer able to come to terms with them and so
strengthen themselves against seekers after power. We have made a gulf between the far-seeing
Sovereign Power and the blind force of the people
Protocol 7
In a word, to sum up our system of keeping the governments of the goyim in Europe in check, we
shall show our strength to one of them by terrorist attempts and to all, if we allow the possibility of a
general rising against us, we shall respond with the guns of America or China or Japan.

Protocol 9
6. We might have reason to apprehend a union between the "clear-sighted" force of the GOY kings
on their thrones and the "blind" force of the GOY mobs, but we have taken all the needful measure
against any such possibility: between the one and the other force we have erected a bulwark in the
shape of a mutual terror between them. In this way the blind force of the people remains our support
and we, and we only, shall provide them with a leader and, of course, direct them along the road that
leads to our goal.
13. You may say that the GOYIM will rise upon us, arms in hand, if they guess what is going on
before the time comes; but in the West we have against this a maneuver of such appalling terror that
the very stoutest hearts quail - the undergrounds, metropolitans, those subterranean corridors which,
before the time comes, will be driven under all the capitals and from whence those capitals will be
blown into the air with all their organizations and archives
protocol 11
What we want is that from the first moment
of its promulgation, while the peoples of the world are still stunned by the accomplished fact of the
revolution, still in a condition of terror and uncertainty, they should recognize once for all that we are
so strong, so inexpugnable, so super-abundantly filled with power, that in no case shall we take any
account of them, and so far from paying any attention to their opinions or wishes, we are ready and
able to crush with irresistible power all expression or manifestation thereof at every moment and in
every place, that we have seized at once everything we wanted and shall in no case divide our power
with them ... Then in fear and trembling they will close their eyes to everything, and be content to
await what will be the end of it all.
Protocol 24
12. That the people may know and love their king, it is indispensable for him to converse in the
market-places with his people. This ensures the necessary clinching of the two forces which are now
divided one from another by us by the terror.
13. This terror was indispensable for us till the time comes for both these forces separately to fall
under our influence.


The second world war

The second world war.
The gold stilling
Kelly’s Heroes movie is about a group of American and Nazi soldiers still gold from Europe. The movie tries to show that who has stolen the gold are groups of thieves, but in the reality the USA government that run by the Jews who stole the gold from Europe to destroy the economy of the Europe and make it too weak, so the Jews  could dominate Europe and Japan.
During the Jewish French revolution. The Jews (the Revolutionaries) stole the gold from France then sent them to UK and then to USA.
The Jewish Revolutionaries (the communists) in Russia  did the same.
 Zedr Bloom knows as Vladimir Lenin, Joseph Stalin and Leon Trotsky stole the gold from Russia to the USA. During the gold’s transfers, Some of the ships sunk in the sea. The Communists and the Americans claimed that this gold which is the price of the sinking of arms deals from America to the Soviet Union. But the Russians have the best weapons factories of America. And the Russians did not use the weapon the U.S. never.

New world government (the new world order/the jewish world order) Prtocol 1

New world government (the new world order/the jewish world order)
Prtocol 1
subjection to our super-government. It is enough for them to know
that we are merciless for all disobedience to cease.
The abstraction of freedom has enabled us to persuade the
mob in all countries that their government is nothing but the
steward of the people who are the owners of the country, and that
the steward may be replaced like a worn-out glove.
It is this possibility of replacing the representatives of
the people which has placed them at our disposal, and, as it
were, given us the power of appointment.
Protocol 5

We shall create an
intensified centralization of government in order to grip in
[our] hands all the forces of the community. We shall regulate
mechanically all the actions of the political life of our
subjects by new laws. These laws will withdraw one by one all the
indulgences and liberties which have been permitted by the goyim,
and our kingdom will be distinguished by a despotism of such
magnificent proportions as to be at any moment and in every place
in a position to wipe out any goyim who oppose us by deed or
The second secret requisite for the success of our
government is comprised in the following: To multiply to such an
extent national failings, habits, passions, conditions of civil
life, that it will be impossible for anyone to know where he is
in the resulting chaos, so that the people in consequence will
fail to understand one another.
By all these means we shall so wear down the GOYIM that
they will be compelled to offer us international power of a
nature that by its position will enable us without any violence
gradually to absorb all the State forces of the world and to form
a Super-Government. In place of the rulers of to-day we shall set
up a bogey which will be called the Super-Government
Administration. Its hands will reach out in all directions like
nippers and its organization will be of such colossal dimensions
that it cannot fail to subdue all the nations of the world.
Protocol 5
You gentlemen here present who are economists, just strike
an estimate of the significance of this combination!
In every possible way we must develop the significance of
our Super-Government by representing it as the Protector and
Benefactor of all those who voluntarily submit to us.

Ptotocol 6
You gentlemen here present who are economists, just strike
an estimate of the significance of this combination!
In every possible way we must develop the significance of
our Super-Government by representing it as the Protector and
Benefactor of all those who voluntarily submit to us.
Protocol 8
We shall surround our government with a whole world of
Our Super-Government subsists in extra legal conditions
which are described in the accepted terminology by the energetic
and forcible word – Dictatorship
Protocol 9
but we will not give them peace until they
openly acknowledge our international Super-Government, and with
Protocol 12
these will then
have to guarantee our government against any kind of attack on
the part of the press.
No one shall with impunity lay a finger on
the aureole of our government infallibility.

therefor,which, in case of any fault, will be immediately impounded. With
such measures the instrument of thought will become an educative
means in the hands of our government, which will no longer allow
the mass of the nation to be led astray in by-ways and fantasies
about the blessings of progress.

Methods of organization like these, imperceptible to the
public eye but absolutely sure, are the best calculated to
succeed in bringing the attention and the confidence of the
public to the side of our government.
Protocol 13
The part played by the liberals, utopian dreamers, will be
finally played out when our government is acknowledged. Till such
time they will continue to do us good service.
Protocol 15
Resolutions of our government will be final, without appeal.
In the goy societies, in which we have planted and deeply
rooted discord and protestantism, the only possible way of
restoring order is to employ merciless measures that prove the
direct force of authority: no regard must be paid to the victims
who fall, they suffer for the well being of the future.
Let us borrow from the example of the results of these
actions yet another lesson for our government.
We shall root out liberalism from all the important
strategic posts of our government on which depends the training
of subordinates for our State structure.
I have to remark that
all the money in the world will be concentrated in our hands,
consequently it is not our government that has to fear expense.
Our government will have the appearance of a patriarchal
paternal guardianship on the part of our ruler.
ETC… the world order (one Jewish  government ) mentioned in the protocols of the elders of Zion (the Chapters of  the Jewish Talmud) in each protocol (Chapter of the Talmud)more than one time.



Henry Kissinger is a German jew:
Early life and education:
Kissinger was born Heinz Alfred Kissinger in Fürth, Bavaria, Germany, in 1923 during the Weimar Republic, to a family of German Jews.



The jews hate the Christians

The jews hate the Christians


The jewish Proverbs and logos

The jewish Proverbs and logos

Divide and rule and gathering to use.
They divide their enemies but they gathering themselves and the countries those run and rule them.
United states of America, Canada, North Europe and the Europe unit (they divided during Martin Luther period to destroy the Catholicism and now they gathering it as Europe unit to spread their bad laws to make it as the buffer zoon of Israel. Any country finish its mission, they destroy it.
Divided Europe, South America, Arab Land, China, Russia, Korea, Vietnam, Indonesia and Malaysia and Singapore, Africa, Sudan, Somalia, etc.

If we cannot kill our enemies. We get our enemies to kill each other.
They the Jews behind all the wars.
The made war between the ancient Egypt and ancient Babylon, Persian and the Assyrian, ancient Greek and the Persian,  Romans and the Arabian, Muslims and the Christians, the Christians against each other (Eastern Orthodox and the Catholic), they created the Protestantism, communism, Darwinism, Calvinism to destroy the Christianity and the other religions, The first and second and third world war (the third wold war is the chemical , seed, genetic, religion , sects, tribes, race, colour).

The jew torture children

The jew torture children

Why the jews killed Rachel Corrie?


The Jewish children circumcision

The Jewish children circumcision
he jew/jewish has two circumcisions.
 when one  when he/she child. and the  second when the child is 7 years old.
the second one is: the circumcision of the heart. every child has a dear pet.
The parents let the child love this pet.
When the child become 7 years old.
they made kind of celebration day /holly day.
then let the child slaughter this dear pet.
and then the child with his friends drink the blood and eat the meat without cooking.

the rabbi tells the children that everyone not a jew is an animal, you must slaughter hem/her and drink his/her blood

The Catholic/Jesuit in the protocols of the elders of the zion

The Catholic/Jesuit in the protocols of the elders of the zion (a part of the jewish talmud)
Chapter 5  (PROTOCOL No. 5)
Moreover, the art of directing masses and individuals by means of cleverly manipulated theory
and verbitage, by regulations of life in common and all sorts of other quirks, in all which the GOYIM
understand nothing, belongs likewise to the specialists of our administrative brain. Reared on analysis,
observation, on delicacies of fine calculation, in this species of skill we have no rivals, any more than
we have either in the drawing up of plans of political actions and solidarity. In this respect the Jesuits
alone might have compared with us, but we have contrived to discredit them in the eyes of the
unthinking mob as an overt organization, while we ourselves all the while have kept our secret
organization in the shade. However, it is probably all the same to the world who is its sovereign lord,
whether the head of Catholicism or our despot of the blood of Zion! But to us, the Chosen People, it is very far from being a matter of indifference.

Slavery in the Judaism/Israelite

Slavery in the Judaism/Israelite.

The unclean book of the jews mentioned word slave/slaves/slavery more than 363 time in the old testament and more than 7000 time in the unclean book the Talmud.
So the slavery began with the Israelite and the jews.
I tried to make it too short as I can.
Genesis 9:27 May God extend Japheth’s territory; may Japheth live in the tents of Shem, and may Canaan be the slave of Japheth.”
Genesis 16:1Now Sarai, Abram’s wife, had borne him no children. But she had an Egyptian slave named Hagar;
Genesis 21:10 and she said to Abraham, “Get rid of that slave woman and her son, for that woman’s son will never share in the inheritance with my son Isaac.”
Genesis 26: 19 And Isaac’s servants dug in the valley, and found there a well of springing water.
Genesis 26: 25 and he built an altar there, and called upon the name of the Lord, and pitched his tent there; and there Isaac’s servants dug a well.
Genesis 26: 32
Genesis 50: 17 ‘So shall ye say unto Joseph, “Forgive, I pray thee now, the trespass of thy brethren and their sin, for they did unto thee evil.”’ And now, we pray thee, forgive the trespass of the servants of the God of thy father.” And Joseph wept when they spoke unto him
Exodus 32:13
Leviticus 25:44/45
Deuteronomy 12:12
Joshua 16:10 and they drove not out the Canaanites who dwelt in Gezer, but the Canaanites dwell among the Ephraimites unto this day and serve under tribute.
1 Samuel  8:13/14/15/16
1 Samuel  8:15 And he will take a tenth of your seed and of your vineyards, and give to his officers and to his servants.
2 Samuel 8:2
2 Samuel 8:6
2 Samuel 9:10 Thou, therefore, and thy sons and thy servants, shall till the land for him, and thou shalt bring in the fruits, that thy master’s son may have food to eat; but Mephibosheth thy master’s son shall eat bread always at my table.” (Now Ziba had fifteen sons and twenty servants.)

you have to read about Aaron Lopez the Portuguese Jewish merchant and philanthropist

The jews made war in Iraq as Revenge of Babylon

Revenge of Babylon

The Jews organized the 9/11 September attacks so that they could have a reason to start a war with Babylon (Iraq) to revenge of the Babylonian captivity that happened in 697 BCE and 586 BCE.
Jeremiah 50: 1-18
1-The word that the LORD spake against Babylon (Iraq)and against the land of the Chaldeans by Jeremiah the prophet.
2-Declare ye among the nations, and publish, and set up a standard; publish, and conceal not: say, Babylon is taken, Bel is confounded, Merodach is broken in pieces; her idols are confounded, her images are broken in pieces.
3-For out of the north (NATO , North Europe, North America)there cometh up a nation against her, which shall make her land desolate, and none shall dwell therein: they shall remove, they shall depart, both man and beast.
4- In those days, and in that time, saith the LORD, the children of Israel shall come, they and the children of Judah together, going and weeping (the jews are liars always complaining and make themselves as victims): they shall go, and seek the LORD their God.
9- For, lo, I will raise and cause to come up against Babylon (Iraq) an assembly of great nations from the north country ( NATO, USA, Canada, Holland, UK, Germany, Sweden, Norway, Finland (the Protestant’s countries)): and they shall set themselves in array against her; from thence she shall be taken: their arrows (rockets, aircrafts, bombs)shall be as of a mighty expert man; none shall return in vain.

In 539 BCE the Persians, Madi (the Kurd)  and the Jews attacked Babylon. Babylon was destroyed, it had fallen.
In 2003, the Jews, Persian (Iran) and the Kurd (Madi) attacked Iraq according to the Jewish Talmud that says that Babylon will fall by these three troops, therefore Iran, The Kurd and the Jews are allied in Iraq and the Jews even built a country for the Kurd in North Iraq.
All the generals and leaders of the USA troops were Jews, for example Noah Feldman, a Jew, made the Iraqi Constitution.

The Jews  gave North Iraq to the Kurds and the South to Iran and they made the East North border of the (great Israel) from the Ephrata River to the Neil River. The Jews divided Sudan into two pieces, before the Neil River and after the Neil River and they did it during the Jewish Felisha (Beta Israel).
Read Book of Daniel 5: 26-30
26 This is the interpretation of the thing: MENE; God hath numbered thy kingdom, and finished it.
 27 TEKEL; Thou art weighed in the balances, and art found wanting.
28 PERES; Thy kingdom is divided, and given to the Medes and Persians.
29 Then commanded Belshazzar, and they clothed Daniel with scarlet, and put a chain of gold about his neck, and made a proclamation concerning him, that he should be the third ruler in the kingdom.
30 In that night was Belshazzar the king of the Chaldeans slain.
31 And Darius the Median took the kingdom, being about threescore and two years old.
Read book of Ezra 1
The Jews next target will be Uganda, Kenya, Rwanda and Burundi as they are already behind the genocide that is happening there, and they will need to make a reason to occupy it and to build a border for the (great Israel) South of Africa before the Neil River.

Neuturi Karta are the Knights Templar

Neuturi Karta  are the Knights Templar.
The Jews are deceivers and good actors and they have more than one sect.
The first sect : The Temple Builders (Freemason)
The second sect : The Templars those who served the temple from the inside.
The third  sect : those who carry out rituals/receive/complete/order?  the sacrifice and the offerings.
The forth sect: The Temple Guard’s or Neturei Karta (Neturei means guard or knight. Karta means the temple or the city where the temple was built and it means Jerusalem).
The forth sect : the public Jew.
The fifth are the Crypto Jews. The Crypto Jews are the hidden Jews, those who hide their names and religion like George Bush, Tony Blair, Joseph Stalin, Vladimir Lenin (his real name is Zedr Bloom) etc…

All the Jews obey the great Rabi order.
All the Jews in the world are one hand,  they have one goal, one word, one tactic their mission and target is a world without goyim. Goyim means non-Jew therefore their world would consists of Jews only. A Jewish world without the goyim, a world without non-Jews.
Freemason/Knights Templar/Illuminati
This terrorist organization used the name of the Christianity to takeover Palestine and build the Jewish temple. The Jews in the wars use the other race and religions to fight and die for them.
The Christians were in Palestine about 95% (Arabs, Greeks, Copts and , so was no reason for wars, because Palestine was for the Christians.
In 1095 the crypto-Jews those were living in Palestine and Byzantium (Turkey and Part of Arab land) were attacking the Christians’ Pilgrims those were going to Palestine to visit the Church of the Nativity and the Church of the Holy Sepulchre and the Christians in Byzantium.
The Crypto-Jews in Europe spread rumours and propaganda that Palestine has been taken by the Muslims and the Muslims attacking the Christians’ Pilgrims to encourage the Christians to make war in Palestine, so they can take Palestine and build their temple.
In 1305, the Pope Clement V knew that the Jews behind these wars and they use the name of the Christians to make wars in Palestine for their own benefit.
The Holly Pope asked the King Philip IV of France to stop Neuturi Karta/knights Templar/freemason.
The first principle of the Neuturi Karta/knights Templar/freemason is to destroy the Catholic Church.
This principle is in the Jewish Talmud (the protocols of the elders of Zion) Chapter 5  (PROTOCOL No. 5).
All the symbols of the Neuturi Karta/knights Templar/freemason are Jewish symbols.
They are on the U.S.A. Dollars, Police, Congress, Pentagon, CIA, FBI, Hollywood (produce each month more than 5 movies against the Catholicism), freemason temples, Mormons temples, Jehovah’s witnesses Temples, Satanism etc…

The jews created the terrorist inteligence services

Markus Wolf

India, Russia, North Korea and China don't say that they are the source of the human rights. These countries were governed and administered by the Jews (the communists/freemason).
Have you heard about Markus Wolf? he created the Stasi (the intelligence of the East Germany).
He coached and taught the Arabs, the Russians, the Chinese, Africa and India, the methods of torture and murder.
The grill way to torture the victims is from the Jewish Talmud.
In Holland and UK there are a lot of the torture, grill, steal the organs of the victims.
There are in Holland more than 200 contraction camps just to torture and kill those protest against the Jewish royal family.

Don't forget Abu Ghraib prison



The Jews assassinated President John Kennedy

The Jews assassinated President  John Kennedy

the new world order is a jewish program.
It is jewish world order, the law of jehovah. The law of the jungle.
the jews killed President John Kennedy. because he tried to stop the secret society ( freemason, skull and bones, Scientology. All od this organizations are jews those want to make the new world order.
President Kennedy was a Cathlolic. so the Catholics are against the new world order.
The Catholic Pope Pope Clement 5 ordered the king Philip 4 to stop the Freemason or the knights templar or in Hebrew Naturi Karta.
So if the freemason are Catholics, so why they are agaisnt the Catholic church and the Catholic church against them.
in the jewish Talmud (the protocols of the elders of zion) mentions that the jews created the freemason and use it against the Catholic church and the world and the jews are fighting against the Catholic Church and the Jesuit.
And they mentioned that they will put all the blame on the Catholic Church and they will defame the name of the Christianity (the bad movies about the Catholic Church in Hollywood)
Watch this youtube. it is about the speech of president Kennedy that he attacked the jewish secret society.

you have to watch this movie:


maandag 4 januari 2016

Jews sell the human organs

Jewish terrorism

assassinated the British ambassador in Walter Guinness,

Jewish assassination

The jews behind the most assassinations in the world.

Folke Bernadotte

The Jews run and rule Hollywood

The Jews run and rule Hollywood.
the jews use Hollywood as tribune or rostrum to defame and expose their enemies (everyone is not a jew is the enemy of them. They hate no-jew) and to polishing the jews and the Judaism.
They defame the name of the other race and religions, mostly the Christians (Catholics and Orthodox). More than thousand movie (porno, action, mystery, horror, cartoon/animation.
They show that the Nuns and Monks, other religious bad, lubricious, molest the children, but those do that are the jewish rabies and some jewish spies those the Synagogue inserted them in the other religions to defame the name of the those religions
All the Jewish (Hollywood’s movies) are against the real Christians (Catholics and Orthodox), Arab, Chinese, Vietnamese, Northern Koreans, Russians, Africans, Mexicans, Italian (all the movies about the Italian are show that the Italians are mafia, but who created the Mafia are the jews via Albert Pike.

Adolf Hitler secret society

Adolf Hitler was a Jew.


The jewish Henry Kissinger the blood scucker

The jewish Henry Kissinger the blood scucker


Alber Einstein

The jews are not clever. They have money, but they have no mind.
They use the money to buy and steal the inventions of the other.
For example Einstein:
He stool his inventions form a Serbian lady (Mileva Marić) that was his teachers.
They kidnaped her and then they said that he get married of her.
Sometime they say that she was his colleague and another time they say that she was his wife.
But the reality she was a teacher at the university.
She is a Christian and he is a jew. They jews and the Israelite don’t get marriage of non-Jews or Israelite.
Second, she was older than him, she was born in December 19, 1875 and he was born in 14 March1879, which means she is about 5 years older than him.

Which means she was not his colleague but his teacher and in that time no man get married of a lady older than him, but younger than him about 10 years.
Youtube has been created by  young people  from different rice and countries
facebook, they stole it form a computer genius than they killed. They said that he committed suicide.
About me.
Form the first that I was at the school genius with the math, physics, Chemistry.
I was could be in the class of my older brother that was older than me 3 years.
So my colleague were older than me about 3-4 years.
In Amsterdam university. I got 100 mathematic, physics and Chemistry. As you know 70% of the Dutch are jews. They rule and run the universities and the schools in Holland and the world.
They made wars on my because I’m very clever. They not allowed me any more to go to the university and they made too difficult for me, because I am not a jew.



The jews behind the discrimination and the racism by creating the false religions and sects.
The wisdom of the jews says: dived and rule.
They use the Afro Americans against the Afro  America.
Italians against Italians, Russians against Russians, Chinese against Chinese etc.
Afro Americans against Chinese or Spanish.
Italians against Chinese or Chinese against Italians or Afro Americans.
Created the human rights organizations to defend themselves and not for the other nations.
These organizations don’t accept any case against the Jews or against any country or person work for them, but when they finish form this country or this person. They destroy it or destroy him.
You have to  watch these youttube.

Hidden Jews/Crypto Jews

Crypto Jews

all the Jews are same. No different between a librarian Jew or communist, Ashkenazi , Sephardim, or Neturei Karta (the knights’ temple) . the Jews are actors.
But the most dangerous Jews are the crypto Jews.
The Crypto-Jews are the Jews those hide their  Judaism and their names and use another religions or use non-religion title and they change their names.
The Crypto Jews inserted in many religions to destroy them and use them against each other .


The true story of Anna Frank

do you believe this story of Anna Frank.
The Dutch are the most racist and aggressive people in the world.
70% of the Dutch are jews (Crypto Jews)
therefore they are racist. they killed millions of the American Native (Indians). slaughtered millions of the Southern African native, millions of the Indonesian people.
The grandfather of the king of Holland was Nazi.
Do you need an evidence. Watch these videos:

Adolf Hitler was jew

Adolf Hitler was jew

All the terrorist in the world are Jews. He was  a member at a Theosophy organization . Theosophy is a Jewish organization. 

Adolf Hitler killed millions of Christians, the Catholics because they refused to join the war. Hitler was a Jew. He also Killed millions of Polish, Greek, French, Yugoslavians and Albanians.
 Adolf name is a Jewish name:
Adolf Joffe  (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Adolph_Joffe).
Adolphe d'Ennery  http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Adolphe_d'Ennery
Adolph Ochs   http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Adolph_Ochs
Adolf Galland   http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Adolf_Galland
In the French language Adolphe must be (Adolphe with E in the end of name that end with PH.
In the English must be without E. Adolph.
In the Dutch and the German must be Adolf without PH because the PH is Latin. Martin Luther moved all the Latin words and the grammar form the Northern European countries (the protestant's countries) he putted the Hebrew grammar at the Northern European countries.
Gunter d'Alquen, Ludolf von Alvensleben, Artur Axmann, Hermann Göring (Hermann is a Jewish name), Heinrich Himmler, Joseph Goebbels, Bernhard van Lippe-Biesterfeld price of Holland, the father of Queen Beatrix and the grandfather of King Willem Alexander. Bernhard van Lippe-biestrefeld was an officer in SS Schutzstaffel  a Nazi  special forces. He created the Bilderberg group the big terrorist organization. All the leaders of this group are Jews.